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- Art & Design Taster Day
- Architecture Taster Day
- Built Environment Project Day
- Business and Law Taster Day
- Computing Taster Day
- Criminology Taster Day
- Digital and Creative Tech Taster Day
- Environmental Taster Day
- English Taster Afternoon
- Film, Media & Communication Taster Day
- History, Politics and International Relations Taster Afternoon
- Engineering Taster Day
- Health Sciences Taster Day
- Languages Taster Day
- Maths and Physics Taster Days
- Performance Taster Afternoon
- Sociology Taster Afternoon
- Sport and Exercise Science Taster Day
- Subject Taster Day guide
- STEM events for schools and colleges

Ready to expand your skills?
Explore HE updates with free teacher training and CPD
As teachers and advisers, we recognise the key role you play in supporting students with their future options.
Our CPD for careers advisers and teachers is for you to stay updated with the latest changes in higher education, so you can continue giving your students expert, up-to-date advice.
Access this across the year with our CPD hub and webinars – it's all free, and can be shared with your colleagues. Or join us at our annual HE Advisers' Conference.
Whether you’re a new or an experienced adviser, we'll help you refresh your knowledge, improve your skills and reflect on best practice to meet those all important Gatsby Benchmarks.
Webinars for teachers and advisers

Your CPD Hub

HE Advisers' Conference 2025: Wednesday 21 May 2025

Contact us
Get in touch below to stay up to date with relevant news for schools and colleges, to arrange a campus, school or college visit and to enquire about any specific online or face-to-face events delivered through the academic year.
Email: rao@port.ac.uk
Phone: 023 9284 6214