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Finding a vacancy
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Refining your search
You can refine the terms of your search – from the department you want to work in, to your expected pay grade or working hours – using the menu on the left-hand side of the vacancies search page.
Vacancy alerts
We add new job adverts all the time, so it's worth visiting job search pages regularly. Or you can sign up to receive vacancy alerts that match your criteria, so you'll never miss a new job posting. Look for the blue 'Vacancy alert' icon at the bottom of the page, where you can specify the type of roles you'd like to hear about.
Starting your application
To apply for a role, register your details on our job search pages. Signing up is quick and simple, and your details will only be seen by the HR team and the line manager responsible for the vacancy you've applied for. See further guidance on finding and applying for a role.
What comes next?
Once you've submitted your application you'll receive a confirmation email right away. In most cases, you'll get an update on the success of your application approximately 2 weeks after the vacancy has closed.

We are at an exciting stage in our development, having just defined a new vision that maps out our ambitions as a leading UK university. Naturally, we need talented people who can help us realise those ambitions.
Professor Graham Galbraith, Vice-Chancellor
How to apply for a role
Find out how to apply for a job at the ºÚÁÏÈë¿Ú, how we find the right person for each role and what to expect if we invite you for interview.

Hallmarks of a ºÚÁÏÈë¿Ú employee
Explore what we expect of our employees, and how our hallmarks shape our ongoing People Strategy.