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Health and Safety Management System
a framework; set of policies, arrangements and documents which provide guidance and tools to help those responsible, manage health and safety in the University.
The University is a large complex organisation, it has a wide range of diverse activities, many of which are potentially hazardous, and operates on a large number of premises. These premises are used by many including those persons who are likely to be unfamiliar with the hazards and risks associated with the University's activities. The effects of poor health and safety management, potential incidents and accidents or a breach of health and safety legislation, involving our staff or students could be very serious. It could have a devastating effect on the people involved as well as on the University's business. The potential impact can be significant and even damaged University's reputation.
We are committed to giving health and safety the highest priority in all of our activities. This commitment to the health, safety and welfare of staff, students, visitors and contractors whilst they are at the University or carrying out activities on behalf of or in connection with the University, is reflected in our Health and Safety Management System. Our system is modelled on good practice as described in the Health and Safety Executive’s guide and is designed to:
Support and promote a positive health and safety culture across the University.
Achieve effective communication on health and safety matters.
Control the hazards and risks on campus and within our activities.
Ensure our people are competent in all health and safety-related aspects of their work and learning.
Ensure sensible risk management.
Enabling innovation, creativity and learning.