Parenting book with Life Solved Logo and introduction title

In this episode, we take a look at something nearly all expectant parents do – the reading of self-help books

18 min listen

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In this episode, we take a look at something nearly all expectant parents do – the reading of self-help books – and ask whether the advice they’re picking up is actually teaching unattainable goals.

Dr Lexie Scherer is a senior lecturer at the ºÚÁÏÈë¿Ú and her research has discovered that parenting manuals can lead to a parent-shaming culture, affecting mothers, fathers and often children as a result.

How can online forums and communities create a healthier and more supportive community for mums and dads? And how is an Australian website leading the way in supporting young families with sleep?

We’d love you to be part of the discussion, too. Email your questions on this episode or ideas for future episodes to

You can also find out more about this work and other research at the ºÚÁÏÈë¿Ú website: /research/ 

Life Solved is released every Thursday and available on all major podcast platforms


Dr Lexie Scherer’s research:

The Milk Meg:

The Beyond Sleep Training Project Facebook page:

Little Sparklers:

Dr Lexie Scherer bio: /about-us/structure-and-governance/our-people/our-staff/lexie-schere

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