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This week’s Life Solved looks at the plastics in our clothes, and how proteins which speed up chemical reactions are the latest trend in the fight against synthetic waste.

13 min Listen

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Despite what Barbie says, life in plastic isn’t always fantastic.

This week’s Life Solved looks at the plastics in our clothes, and how proteins which speed up chemical reactions are the latest trend in the fight against synthetic waste.

John Worsey is joined by Dr Victoria Bemmer, Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Enzyme Innovation at the ºÚÁÏÈë¿Ú, and Noorin Khamisani, Senior Lecturer in Fashion & Textiles and sustainable designer.

Together they explore the benefits – and the downsides - of using synthetic materials in our clothes. You’ll also hear about exciting research taking place at the University that could be a game-changer in the way the world recycles plastics.



Centre for Enzyme Innovation at the ºÚÁÏÈë¿Ú: /research/research-centres-and-groups/centre-for-enzyme-innovation

Revolution Plastics: /news-events-and-blogs/events/the-revolution-continues

‘Plastic-eating’ enzymes to be deployed to combat waste polyester clothing: /news-events-and-blogs/news/plastic-eating-enzymes-to-be-deployed-to-combat-waste-polyester-clothing

Plastics Future 2023 Conference: /news-events-and-blogs/events/plasticsfuture-2023

Dr Victoria Bemmer:

Plastic Loop - Veolia (Veolia Huafei developed a high-end recycling process to produce fibre filaments from bottles): .

Previous Episodes...

The latest series of the Life Solved podcast explores subjects such as policing, plastics, a zombie apocalypse, ivory crime, jazz, and ethical true crime.