Dr Foteini Kravariti
I’m an expert senior lecturer in talent management studies and have been awarded the 2019 Best Reviewer Award of Human Resource Development Review. I sit in the Editorial Advisory Board of the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management and in the Steering Committee of the Research Methodology subject interest group at the British Academy of Management.
I’m available for media interviews depending on my availability. I’ve previously been featured on the news of Greek media.
I joined the Faculty of Business and Law in September 2016 after having worked for 3 years as a Guest Lecturer, Graduate Teaching Assistant and Academic Field-trips’ Co-ordinator at The University of Manchester. At the same institution, I completed my PhD studies in 2016 in Development, Policy and Management with a scholarship, and my MSc studies in Human Resource Management (International Development) in 2012 with Distinction. I also hold a BSc in Business Administration awarded by the University of Piraeus in Greece. My global research experience extends to Bangladesh, Brussels, China, Cyprus, France, Ghana, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Greece, The United Kingdom and Turkey. I have also presented and chaired sessions at several international academic conferences and events, such as ‘The Second 21st Century Academic Forum Conference on Teaching, Learning, and Research’ at Harvard University in the United States. Moreover, I have been awarded a Fellowship from the British Higher Education Academy (HEA) along with other qualifications obtained by the Greek government. I am also an accredited academic Member of CIPD. Finally, I have employment experience in the banking industry and in international companies such as Vodafone, and have held both HR and consultancy positions in both British and leading international companies.
Research interests
My current research interests include the areas of public sector talent management, talent management in emerging market economies, talent management in the hospitality and tourism industry, HR/talent analytics and constructive failure. I am very keen on cross-disciplinary research which adopts predominantly quantitative research methods.
Teaching responsibilities
Currently, I am the Course Leader of the distance learning MSc Global HRM. I am also the module coordinator of the Level 7 modules Human Resource Management (on campus) and Managing Human Resources (online). I also supervise doctorate theses in the areas of talent management, human resource development and digital transformation of education.
Research outputs
Fountoulaki, P., Hossain, F., Jooss, S., Kravariti, F., Tom Dieck, M. C.
1 Oct 2024, In: International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management