Professor Djamila Ouelhadj
I am a Senior Lecturer in Operational Research and a member of the Logistics and Operational Research Group (LORG) in the Department of Mathematics at the ºÚÁÏÈë¿Ú. I am also the Course Leader of MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
My main research interests are Operational Research and the development of novel mathematical optimisation models, advanced meta-heuristic methods, and intelligent decision support systems for automatically producing high quality solutions to a wide range of real world optimisation, scheduling and logistics problems. Real world problems include: manufacturing, healthcare, personal scheduling, vehicle routing and transportation, supply chain and production management, sustainability and renewable energy, etc.
I have carried out successful research in Operational Research since 1995. I received my PhD from the University of Nottingham. I then worked as a researcher and a lecturer for six years in the Automated Scheduling, Optimisation and Planning Research group (ASAP) at the University of Nottingham. I have chaired the scheduling stream in OR53, OR54, and OR55. I have organised several Southern Operational Society Workshops on Optimisation and Scheduling in healthcare, and Logistics and Transportation.
I am a co-investigator on several EU grants: SEABILLA which entailed applying Operational Research methodologies to sea-border security, 2OM and LEANWIND that involve the application of Operational Research methodologies to optimise the operations and maintenance procedures of offshore wind farms. I am also a co-investigator on several Technology Strategy Board (TSB) grants, and the principal investigator on a Higher Education Investment Framework (HEIF) funded project to launch an Operational Research centre at the ºÚÁÏÈë¿Ú.
I am the Southern Regional Representative to the General Council of the Operational Research Society and a member of the Operational Research Society, UK.
Research interests
- Automated optimisation and scheduling
- Heuristics, meta-heuristics, and hyper-heuristics for combinatorial optimisation and scheduling problems: Exploration and development of heuristics, meta-heuristics, hyper-heuristics, evolutionary algorithms, and multi-objective methods to solve complex real world optimisation, scheduling, and Logistics problems. Examples of applications: Manufacturing, Timetabling, Nurse Rostering, Vehicle Routing, Grid Computing, Robotics, etc.
- Cooperative and parallel search methodologies: cooperative and parallel meta-heuristics and hyper-heuristics
- Agent-based scheduling
- Intelligent decision support systems
- Multi-agent systems and software agents
- Applications: Logistics, Transportation and vehicle routing, Supply Chain Management, Inventory Management, Manufacturing and Production Scheduling, Healthcare, Renewable Energy and Sustainability
Research outputs
Ali, N., Dadashzadeh, N., Ouelhadj, D., Sagmanli, S. S.
17 Jan 2025, In: Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 29, 10p., 101335
Dadashzadeh, N., Ouelhadj, D., Pangbourne, K., Sucu Sagmanli, S.
1 Nov 2024, In: Cities . 154, 18p., 105360
Esztergár-Kiss, D., Moslem, S., Ortega, J., Ortega, J., Ouelhadj, D., Padilla, M.
1 Oct 2024, In: Research in Transportation Business and Management. 56, 11p., 101171
Bayliss, C., Ouelhadj, D.
1 Sep 2024, In: Applied Soft Computing. 162, 20p., 111871
Bartmeyer, P., Glampedakis, A., Jones, D., Ouelhadj, D., Treloar, R.
3 Apr 2024, In: Omega